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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Is the universe an accident based on coincidences ????

 Is the universe an accident based on coincidences ????

This universe is not just a coincidence, but ...

This universe is a marvelous example of the highest intelligence and the eloquent proof of which the faith of a religious person who observes deeply is refreshed and an atheist or agnostic is forced to think ...

The creator of its complexity is intelligence that no human being has.

The management of this universe is a system whose management is not a disease of human beings.

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It is not a paragraph containing one's personal opinions, beliefs, or ideas, but a purely scientific analysis in the light of the facts.

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Einstein, an atheist, said that the universe has always existed like this and that no one created it (it has no beginning and no end), and Stephen Hawking, who was an agnostic, is now The greatest scientific discovery ever ...

From an atom to the largest cosmic structure, every change in the universe, the movements of the stars and planets, and the cosmic expansion, (keeping religion and atheism at bay) were scientifically refuting the claims of these two great scientists. Was ... At that time, scientists from both religious and non-religious classes called his views highly unscientific.


Everyone knows and believes that no matter how great a scientist he was, his scientific services are unforgettable. Yet why was his personal opinion denied?


 There is no place for any kind of personal belief, opinion, or imagination in science unless there is a solid argument for it.

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Rising scientific advances and powerful telescopes revealed the secrets of the universe that radically changed all the old ideas about the universe.


Now no expert believes that the universe has always existed, he believes that the universe started from a single center and all made predictions of its creator in their own words.

 Someone called the creator of this universe behind the creation of the highest intelligence, while someone called its creator by the names of Super Intelligent, big creator, and Supreme Being ...

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Before the twentieth century, most scientists thought that matter, space, and energy have always existed like this. The universe has no beginning and no end ... but

In the early twentieth century, astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe was expanding. This mathematical calculation drove this spread backward... The results of the calculations show that there is a starting point for all things in the universe, including matter, energy, space, and even time itself.

The powerful shock waves created by this revolutionary discovery caused a stir in the scientific world. Even the old and strong buildings of false scientific ideas began to crumble.

Many scientists, including Einstein, reacted negatively to this discovery.

(Einstein later acknowledged this opposition as the biggest mistake of his life.)

The greatest opponent of this discovery was the British astronomer Sir Fred Howell, an atheist who sarcastically called this starting point the "Big Bang".

But finally, the experiments of the COBE satellite in 1992 proved that the universe really started with an incredible glow of energy.

Many scientists described the event as a "movement of creation" but most preferred to call it the Big Bang.

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Despite the latest research, science is still unfamiliar with the nature of the Big Bang starting point. But now the experts of the universe also believe in the beginning and also in the mysterious stimulus of this great beginning ...

George Bigg Smoot, an agnostic in charge of COBE experiments, says the Big Bang bears a striking resemblance to the religious belief of "non-existence."

 The Big Bang was not like an explosion in which chaos and mismanagement are on the rise. But this universe created by the Big Bang is like a grand and foolproof scheme. In which there is not the slightest defect.

... Everything in the universe is a perfect example of balance

Gravity and other driving forces exist in the universe with the best balance.

The whole universe would be in disarray if these forces were to be as effective as they seem today.

For example, if the driving force in cosmic expansion, the dark energy, becomes a little weak, then gravity will pull all the matter together and cause a great crunch.

There is no question of a one or two-percent reduction in the spread rate.

Stephen Hawking writes: "If the spread rate had dropped even a fraction of a million after a second of the Big Bang, the universe would have collapsed again."

In the same way, if gravity weakens and the rate of expansion increases by just one percent, the whole cosmic structure will fall apart.


The universe provides the most suitable environment for the creation and evolution of life. ۔

When it comes to the existence of life on our planet Earth, where there is a need for a planet such as Earth and a star at a reasonable distance from the sun, there is also a need for oxygen, water, and other elements in adequate amounts of hydrogen, carbon, sodium, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Needed ...

In remote areas, these elements and the billions of years of preparation and transfer of water to land were just a coincidence?

And even if the earth, sun, and moon were more or less in their present mass and volume, it would have a negative effect on life.

The most accurate form of life-friendly terrestrial environment and the proportion of gases in it that took millions of years to form by accident?

A religious person may expect the same accurate estimates from his Creator, but one denial is unable to explain the notable and consistent coincidences.

Despite being an agnostic, Hawking says

The inescapable fact is that values ​​have been meticulously adjusted to make life possible.

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Can such a wonderful and wonderful tuning of life be attributed to any coincidence or accident?

In a lottery, your prize can sometimes come out by chance, even a losing game can sometimes be won by chance, but

But a series of coincidences cannot continue so that each time your name is drawn in the lottery or each time you win a losing game

How can such a well-organized and fool-proof cosmic scheme be accidentally established at just one point when it is not possible to coincide on such small things. The smallest part of the scheme is not ignored ... This is a complete violation of the laws of probability

Christopher Hutchins, an atheist, was shocked by the deepest cosmological observations that the whole universe could not have been so stable if the cosmic objects were organized in such a way that they would have been distorted even to a degree or a hair.

Paul Davis says ... To me, this universe is a powerful proof that a superpower has a hand in creating and running it.

DNA is a sea of ​​wonders:

Astronomy is not the only field of science in which evidence of one's perfect design is available.

During the last century, a molecular biologist discovered a very complex design of the microscopic world.

Inside each cell of our body (the bodies of almost all living things) is a small molecule called DNA. Its most intricate design has shaken the imagination of experts ... there is so much information in just one end of DNA that if turned into a book form could become thousands of books with thousands of pages ...

It works like a language with its complex software codes hence DNA is also called the language of life

Microsoft founder Bill Gates also admits that even our most sophisticated and sophisticated software looks like a centuries-old model in front of DNA.

When a well-known 21st-century atheist studied DNA, he renounced his atheism ...

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