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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Preparations for migration from the land

 Preparations for migration from the land

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First of all, Hazrat Ansan polluted and unbalanced the natural environment of the earth in order to adapt himself to the simplest environment. Forbidden the life of all living beings ...

Missing several generations from the page of existence ... From deforestation to deadly chemical agents ... Man openly toyed with nature ...

And since nature has started showing him eyes, he has been scared. He went out into space to save his species ...

 Tried to settle on the first moon ... Exhausted from there, his eyes fell on the red planet Mars ...

Now, this planet is the only axis and center of his hopes. See what he is doing to settle on it ...


Sending a mission to Mars is a much more difficult and patient task than the moon, it requires very careful and complex planning.

The most accurate measurement of the distance between Mars and Earth must first be known.

From flying a controlled explosion from the ground, sending robots to Mars, and measuring the infallible distance between Mars and Earth, to the most careful landing ... Every step has to be taken with a sigh ... This work is also very patient ... Because Mars is so far away and it takes a long time to send and arrive on a mission ... At the same time, the hearts and minds of all the people associated with this mission are stuck between the hope of success and the fear of failure.

Mars and Earth, like the rest of the planets, revolve around the Sun in elliptical orbits and at different speeds. Therefore, the distance between Mars and Earth changes from moment to moment


Giovanni Cassini was the first astronomer to measure the distance between Mars and Earth.

Cassini was famous for his observations of Saturn.

In 1672 he observed Mars from Paris. Meanwhile, his colleague Jean Richard also observed Mars from France. They measured the distance between Mars and Earth with amazing accuracy. For this, they used the parallax method.


However, astronomers now calculate the distances of objects in the solar system using the speed of light. They measure the time it takes for signals to reach a spacecraft orbiting another planet. They can launch powerful radars from planets and measure the time it takes for signals to return. This method allows them to measure the distances of planets like Mars with extraordinary accuracy.

 How far is Mars? The answer to this question varies from moment to moment as the earth and Mars revolve around the sun. It also requires a little explanation of the orbital mechanics of each. Both Earth and Mars are following an elliptical orbit around the sun, as two cars travel at different speeds on two different race tracks.

Sometimes the planets are close to each other, and other times they are in opposite directions to the sun. And although they get closer and farther, these points depend on where the planets are in their particular orbits. Therefore, the distance from Earth to Mars is changing from minute to minute.

(Planets do not follow a complete orbit around the Sun at all, they are actually traveling in an elliptical shape. Is called aphelion)

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For the success of missions, it is necessary to have the most accurate information about the distance and proximity of Mars. As Mars and Earth get closer, the glory and headlines of Mars begin to grow.

At the moment, it is one of the brightest objects in the night sky competing with the brightness of Venus and Jupiter.

Theoretically, the minimum distance between Mars and Earth is 6.54 million kilometers

I say theoretically because the record of their closeness after 2003 has never been so close. At the time, the distance between the two was only 56 million kilometers, the first time in the last 50,000 years.


When Mars and Earth are close, they come in a line in their orbit. This is called opposition in astronomical language.

Record list of their opposition from 2007 to 2020


24 December 2007 (54.8 million miles)

2.88 million km


January 29, 2010 (61.7 million miles)

7.61 million km


 March 3, 2012 (62.6 million miles)

7.100 million km


April 8, 2014 (57.4 million miles)

9.92 million km


May 22, 2016 (46.8 million miles)

3.75 million km


July 27, 2018 (35.8 million miles)

6.57 million km


13 October 2020 (38.6 million miles)

62 million km


2018 was a good year in the sense that Mars looked especially bright and red in the sky.


At the opposite end of the sun, the distance between Mars and Earth could be 401 million kilometers (249 million miles).

When Mars and Earth are close to each other every two years, that is the best time for a mission to landing

If you look at the date of sending missions to Mars, you will see that they were launched two years apart.

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An example of recent Mars missions and the years they have been launched are:

MER-A Spirit-2003

MER-B Opportunity 2003

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter - 2005

Phoenix - 2007

Phobos Grant - 2011

MSL Curiosity - 2011


See the trend? Every two years. They are launching spacecraft when Earth and Mars reach their nearest location ...



Missions do not land directly on Mars because it consumes so much fuel.

Instead, the mission is sent to an accurate estimate of where Mars will be in the future

As spacecraft orbit the earth, they increase their orbit over time. As long as the spacecraft does not cross the orbit of Mars, this is the best time to make its orbit around it and land on it. The journey to Mars takes 250 days

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The distance from Mars and Jupiter also has a profound effect on communication with the arrived spacecraft.

For example, during proximity, a signal can be sent to the plane in 3 minutes and can be received in 3 minutes

During the distance, the signal can be sent in 21 minutes and can be received in 21 minutes.


Missions to Mars are equipped with state-of-the-art automated and autonomous systems

In addition to studying the environment there, they have the ability to avoid difficulties and obstacles without human intervention.


This extraordinary distance is the obstacle to sending a human mission to Mars

It is planned to send a human mission to Mars in the near future. For this, along with other necessary arrangements, efforts are being made to shorten the journey.


Picture 1: Every two years Mars and Earth get closer, during which time, if observed, Mars slows down and rotates backward

in its orbit.

This is called "retrograde motion"


Picture 2: Axial tilt of Mars and strange behavior as it orbits the sun

Image Credit: Copyright Encyclopedia Britannica


Picture 3: Earth and Mars in a straight line during their opposition around the Sun.

Image Credit Bob King


Picture 4 - Mars has been in opposition to the Sun seven times since 1995. Hubble has collected a mix of colors from each to show the beauty and splendor of the red planet ... NASA / ESA


Picture 5: The Perfection of the Artist ...

 Spirit Rover is One of the two rovers in the MER program ...

Which sent valuable information to NASA about the geological and ecological history of Mars

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