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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The evolutionary stages of the Earth's environment

 The evolutionary stages of the Earth's environment

How do create this beautiful environment of the earth? In the open air, we can breathe freely, deeply, and satisfactorily.

At least in the solar system, there is no planet or moon where they can maintain their free breathing.

The solar system has 8 planets and more than 160 moons. Seven of these planets, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, have their own unique atmosphere.

 But the open space there is still not like the terrestrial atmosphere, for example, the planet Venus has its own atmosphere but it is very dense and Mars also has its own atmosphere but is less dense. And none of them have that much oxygen ...

 Oxygen is the precious gas that circulates in our bodies through our breath. Animals and humans living on earth will start losing their lives due to suffocation in a few minutes without it.

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Some experts describe the evolution of the Earth's environment in three stages ...

Atmosphere # 1:

At the time of the formation of the earth, like the surface of the earth, the basic atmosphere of the earth was also extremely hot.

The gases hydrogen (H²) and helium (He) that play a key role in the formation of the earth were in a very hot state. Due to this their molecules moved very fast.

They were so fast that they were freed from the gravity of the earth and eventually scattered in space

The Earth's basic atmosphere was a combination of huge amounts of these two gases because the sun was formed from these gases and the remaining matter was mostly a combination of these gases which were rapidly revolving around the sun in the form of disks and This substance formed all the planets and other bodies of the solar system.

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Atmosphere # 2

After a long time, the terrestrial atmosphere entered its second phase. At that time there were many volcanoes on the earth. At that time the layers of the earth were also in the evolutionary stages, ie the surface of the earth was not yet completely solidified.

Volcanoes erupt lava and convert water (H²O) into steam, producing gases such as carbon dioxide

 (C O ²) and ammonia (NH³).

Carbon dioxide dissolved in the oceans, which together with the sun's energy played a key role in nurturing simple bacteria

And these bacteria emit oxygen as waste ... Thus the amount of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere began to increase and carbon dioxide began to decrease.

(Steam H²O has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, carbon dioxide CO² has one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms while ammonia NH³ has one nitrogen atom and three hydrogen atoms)

On the one hand, there was an increase in oxygen in the atmosphere and a decrease in carbon dioxide

The heat of the sun was breaking down the ammonia molecules into nitrogen and hydrogen.

Being the lightest element, hydrogen began to move into Earth's upper atmosphere and from there into space.

Atmosphere # 3

Eventually, all the hydrogen was lost in space. Now the Earth's atmosphere contained 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% gases, while a very small fraction of carbon dioxide, ie only 385.0%, was present in the atmosphere.

Now the atmosphere of the earth had become worthy of life ... And for millions of years, life has been growing up in this beautiful atmosphere ... And so far so good

Life in this atmosphere evolves with a beautiful balance, that is, plants absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen, and in comparison, animals and humans take in oxygen and emit carbon dioxide, even oxygen in a fire. Only carbon dioxide is produced

This excellent cycle maintains the proportion of gases in the Earth's atmosphere

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Moment of Thought:

For millions of years, life on earth has been flourishing, jumping, and spreading its colors with a beautiful balance. About a few million years ago, Hazrat Ansan stepped on the chest of the earth ...

At first, he enjoyed the beautiful environment of the land, mingling with all the living things on earth, but then ...

He was surrounded by the pride that he is superior to all living beings on earth. In this arrogance, he made life impossible for other living beings. By hunting down many species of terrestrial animals ... Man's barbarism and lust increased with time ... As the population grew exponentially, so did the list of needs.

Working with more radicalism than modernity (the beautiful environment that nature took millions of years to create ...) within a few hundred years man has ruined it.

And now it's time to dump her and move on.

As nature has begun to take revenge ... If we still do not improve and try to re-establish the beautiful balance of the terrestrial environment (which is within our power), then nature will destroy us and restore this beautiful environment ... She loves to do this and has been doing it since time immemorial.

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